Archive of ‘Beauty’ category


I grew up watching my mom tease her entire head of hair every single morning.  It was the 80’s, big hair was serious business and she had it down to an art.  Now that I’m an adult (and a hair stylist) I fully appreciate the value that a little back combing can do to enhance a […]

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{ SALE }

Rise and shine friends!  I am so ready for this week to kick off because I have so many fun things cooking that I cannot wait to share with all of you.  Melissa and I shot another round of tutorials that will be coming soon to the blog and the gang at the salon has agreed […]

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Is there anything more ladylike than freshly polished finger tips?  I am pretty disciplined with getting my nails done regularly because they tend to be on display for my clients when I’m doing hair.  The ‘Type A” in me kind of hates sitting still with my hands tied but I always love it when they are […]

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It has been WAY too long since I have had the chance to collaborate with Jessi from The Darling Detail and I must admit we were both giddy to be back working together to create this fun look for YOU!  You remember the drill from our last collaboration…she spills all the details on her look […]

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