Archive of ‘Beauty’ category

Tabbed Extensions 101

Did you know that your hair has a terminal length?  This is the point where your hair simply gives up, stops growing and starts disintegrating at the ends.  Clients complain about this in my chair every day and despite them only getting “just a trim” for the last few visits their hair simply wont grow.  […]

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If you are short on time but still want a polished, voluminous look then hot rollers are your new best friend!  It’s the easiest way to get hands free style and there are definitely a few tricks to help you make them do what they are supposed to do.  In the land of curling irons […]

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Tis the season!  It’s that time of year when the calendar is jam packed with parties on top of your never ending to do list.  I personally love the hustle and bustle of the holidays but I do find myself  with less and less time to primp so a quick easy updo is always a […]

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Merry Merry Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway I opened my salon, Mirror Mirror in 2011 with the goal of helping women LOVE what they see in the mirror. This blog came shortly thereafter with the same goal.  I know without a doubt that this is my passion and purpose and I absolutely can’t believe that I get to do this […]

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