Okay so this was a big one for me! Of course after switching out all the kids products to safer alternatives I was ready to tackle the surfaces we use most and eat off of (!!!). I am one of those people that obsessively wipe the counters so when I started researching what I was using I was a little frustrated (okay I was pissed).
This is my typical situation in all of this “finding safer products for my body, babies and home”. I thought I was picking something premium that even looks somewhat natural or safe. They throw around words like “essential oils” and “a naturally safe way” and so I think I’m good to go!
Then I look up my beloved favorite product on The Think Dirty app and I’m like WHAT??!! I’m not trying to talk bad about other companies but I do want to share my personal experience so hopefully you will start doing your research too. This is just ONE example and I’ve had this similar reaction to almost every single product I was using in my home, on my body and on my babies. #bless
Keep scrolling I have a solutions…
Since I am SO busy in life (aren’t we all) I simply cannot go test driving every product in Whole Foods which is why I am looking for reputable brands that I can purchase the bulk of my products from that I trust are safe! This is why I love Beautycounter and I’d also like you to meet dōTERRA.
I’ve been using essential oils for a year or so now and we use them for all sorts of reasons. Follow my cousin (and oil-go-to) Rachelle Spalin for everything you ever need to know about essential oils. I can say is that I have loved all of it and so today I want to share one specific line with you that I think you should consider…
PICK 5 PLEDGE – PICK #2 “dōTERRA On Guard”
On Guard (stay with me here) is designed to be the ideal natural cleaner. It is fortified with the proprietary doTERRA On Guard Protective Blend of Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils, which provide natural protection against certain environmental factors while elevating the overall cleaning capability. This powerful essential oil blend is combined with plant-based derivatives that provide a non-toxic and biodegradable way to clean and eliminate odors, so it is safe for loved ones as well as the environment.
I know…it’s a lot to take in but it’s good stuff and it works!
The concentrate (that’s what I got) can be used on almost everything…