The Little Yoga House

Ok can we all just take a moment and take a BIG deep breathe and give each other a virtual high five for surviving the holidays?  I’m serious.  With two little monkeys and the busiest holiday season we’ve ever had at the salon I’m feeling completely thankful but I’m also a teeny bit exhausted!

The beginning of the year is my FAVORITE because it’s time to organize the house, plan for the year and everything just feels super optimistic and doable.  One of the things I’m committing to in 2017 is carving out little special activities with each of my boys!  Ford and I had the pleasure of inviting some of our friends to join us at The Little Yoga House a couple of weeks ago for a family yoga class and it was a blast.

It was the perfect opportunity to take a break and hang out with my little buddy during a VERY busy December.

Keep reading for the scoop on why we intend on making this a regular date for the whole family this year…


Class started with some breathing and calming exercises to get our mind right for class.  We had a pretty big group with a wide range of ages and I was so impressed that our instructor (and one of the founders) Abby was able to keep all the kiddos and parents engaged.dos-mundos-creative_-4

We learned several fun exercises that we can do with our kiddos at home.dos-mundos-creative_-5

I can’t deal with the cuteness of these cute like yogis (or that tiny blonde braid)!dos-mundos-creative_-7

I was very curious to see how my little monkey would do and he absolutely LOVED the entire class and listened and participated the entire time.dos-mundos-creative_-17

Dad’s got in on the action too with the stretching.dos-mundos-creative_-8

All the parents made a tunnel and the kids ran underneath us in an army crawl.  Well, almost all the kids…isn’t Sloan the sweetest!?dos-mundos-creative_-12

This was my favorite part, each person got a turn with the expander sphere and we practiced visualizing our lungs getting bigger and taking in each breath.  As you can see breathing is very serious business.dos-mundos-creative_-13

After class we all dined on the most delicious healthy lunch courtesy of Flower Child!  We had wraps, salads and hummus and it was so good (and guilt free).dos-mundos-creative_-28

You guys, if you follow me on Insta you know I’m now obsessed with this kale salad.  I’ve been back to Flower Child 4 times since this class just to get the salad!  The gluten-free mac and cheese is also a favorite of mine.dos-mundos-creative_-29

We shopped and snacked and I loved having all of us cozied up on a chilly day taking a break from all the holiday craziness.


You know it’s good when kids are gobbling up their saladsdos-mundos-creative_-33

They have something for every little yogi and the cutest gifts!dos-mundos-creative_-32

Both of my kids have July birthdays so I’m thinking we might have to plan our next birthday party here where it’s nice and air conditioned!dos-mundos-creative_-18What a crew…all the kids and parents did great!


The new winter series kicks off the week of January 9th so make sure you check out their website for details!  There is a morning series and an after school aerial yoga series which Ford and I are dying to try. dos-mundos-creative_-34

Here’s to more deep breathes and quality time with your littles in the new year!


Special thanks to Dos Mundos Creative for capturing our fun times.  This blog post was in partnership with The Little Yoga House, all opinions are my own!

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