24 Hours at Hyatt Lost Pines

About a week ago I had a panic.  It dawned on me that in a couple of weeks Ford would be starting school 5 days a week…and he would do that every year until college.  I know, I know…he’s only four, don’t freak out right?  He’s going into 4k and with that comes uniforms and supply lists and medical check ups – he will be going into a real lunch room for lunch and getting dropped off in the carpool line (eventually).  Like big kid stuff!

Rather than sit around a cry every day until he goes to school I decided that he was due for  a special little get away (no little brothers allowed) to spend time with just Mom and Dad!  With the crazy busy back t0 school time we really only had time for a one night getaway and since it needed to be in reasonable driving distance we settled on Hyatt Lost Pines.  Plus selfishly I have been dying to go!  We looked at calendars and there was only one night before school starts where we could pull this off so on Sunday morning we hit the road!

I hadn’t planned on doing a blog post so we didn’t have my big camera (sorry for the quality of photos)… keep scrolling for a few candid pics we took with my phone.  And comment below if you have any back to school traditions with your little ones!  This is definitely one we will do again.

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We were checked in by 10am and first things first, a cup of coffee (they have a Starbucks in the hotel) and we decided to explore the trails.

PS – these shorts are on SALE as I hit publish on this post

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We came across this cutie and Ford was very curious about the tiny horse!

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I, on the other hand, was DYING over the alpacas in the background!

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After a hot coffee and trail cruising it was pool time!  The lazy river was a BIG hit and both Trevor and I went down the big water slide trying to convince Ford he should try.  He wasn’t having any part of it.

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Ford was literally giggling all day and kept saying “I love you Mommy” and “I love you Daddy” …I think having both of our undivided attention was winning us major brownie points with this little guy!

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Hugs galore after lunch and he even let us take a picture together.  If you follow me on Instagram you will notice most of our pics together are action shots or sneaky ones.  He’s not usually one to pose :-).

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After more swimming and running around it was time for a little rest time in the hotel room.  This busy guy rarely wants to be held like this so I knew he was really tired!

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We took one stab at a family picture of all of us once we got cleaned up for dinner!  Sweet little buddy got to wear his new “big boy” golf shirt like Daddy.

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After dinner more games and exploring and then it was time for s’mores at dusk!

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Trevor showed him the art of the perfectly browned marshmallow.  Serious business!

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Needless to say he was so proud of his work!

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Everyone else was gearing up for a movie on the lawn but it was already WAY past this guys bedtime so we headed in for a movie in our room!

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We will definitely be back and I highly recommend a quick get away if you can with your little ones.  We were only there 24 hours but it was a trip we will all remember!



2 Comments on 24 Hours at Hyatt Lost Pines

  1. Colleen Brewer
    August 9, 2016 at 8:32 pm (9 years ago)

    Love this tradition. Since my girls were in kindergarten we have devoted the weekend before school to back to school shopping (supplies, shoes, clothes etc) and a night in a hotel (including the ever popular tradition of chocolate cake in bed from room service). Every year the girls look forward to it – even now in high school. Awesome tradition!

    • Martha Lynn
      August 10, 2016 at 5:55 pm (9 years ago)

      Love that!! Mom used to take me to a hotel and back to school shopping and I loved it. I still love staying in hotels 🙂


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