Happy Birthday Ford

To my little monkey!

It’s completely overwhelming to think that you are two years old today.  As I think back on the past two years it’s hard to believe there was ever a time that you weren’t in my life.  It has been so incredible to see you grow this year and to still see so many “firsts” in your second year of life.  You have gone from running to walking to (almost) jumping.  You added Washington, Colorado and Louisiana to the list of states you have visited (and logged thousands of miles in the car on your first big road trip).   You had your first year of school and even started gymnastics and swimming this summer.  You love Elmo, queso, dancing to Pharell, watermelon, and anything Toy Story. You have more energy that I ever knew was possible and I love your spirit.  Sometimes we sneak movies just so you will sit still long enough for a cuddle.  

Tonight we took you to get a sno cone before dinner and then as we were putting you to bed Daddy re-told the story about the night before you were born.  I remember being nervous and scared but mostly curious about what kind of little person you would be.  You make me laugh every day and I couldn’t have asked for more.  I can’t wait to see what this next year has in store.  

I am so proud to be your mamma! 

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2 Comments on Happy Birthday Ford

  1. Mollie M
    July 22, 2014 at 5:52 pm (11 years ago)

    SO adorable! Miss you two!


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