One of my favorite memories growing up was always “Show and Tell”.  I loved picking out what I was going to share and inevitably would come home with some new thing I was just DYING to have.  It turns out things haven’t changed that much and I still love swapping favorites with clients and friends.  I have always been a “sharer”…“Oh you like my shirt?  Thanks, got it on sale I’ll email you the link”.  That’s why I’m introducing a new column called “SHOW AND TELL” so that I can share all of my favorite things and I want to hear about your favorites too.

It seems only fitting that my first post include all the products from my day to day hair regime.  There are those special occasions when I’m trying to do something specific but for the most part this is exactly what I use everyday!  I know you have heard me go on and on about the Living Proof line but I just need to restate that in the past 18 months of using the product on myself and my clients the transformation has been dramatic.  The lack of silicone and oils allows me to go at least 2-3 days between shampoos which has resulted in super healthy locks!  I have fine, frizzy hair but I have a lot of it so if I play my cards right I can fake a decent head of hair.  I also have a halo of hair around my hairline that’s about 5 inches long that is still growing out from when I had Ford and it all fell out (all of you moms know what I’m talking about)…so there’s that.

I love helping women figure out their perfect combo of products and I have been known to do it over email from half across the country!  Feel free to shoot me a message with all of your hair dramas and I can hold your hand through exactly what you need.

So without further adieu…




  1. Smithg961
    June 23, 2014 at 1:21 pm (11 years ago)

    I just ought to tell you which you have written an exceptional and distinctive post that I really enjoyed reading. Im fascinated by how nicely you laid out your material and presented your views. Thank you. dfddddddedceeagd

  2. Meredith
    February 18, 2014 at 2:24 pm (11 years ago)

    Ah! this is great. I was reading the part where you describe your hair type thinking *I have very similar hair and then the part about the “halo” and I thought *Me too! and then read “when I had Ford”…..I have a 13 month old named “Ford.” There aren’t many out there so I had to do a second take. Your Ford must be a little older because my halo is only about 2″!

    Thanks for all your how-to’s. I use your blow out guide all the time and have purchased some of the Living Proof products as well and they are great

    • Martha Lynn
      February 18, 2014 at 2:38 pm (11 years ago)

      Well clearly great minds think alike…aren’t Fords just the BEST?! I’m so glad you are enjoying the blog and please help us spread the word 🙂


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