And the winner is…

I am thrilled to announce the winner of my first ever CHALLENGE!  Gilbert’s living wreath was a huge hit and Meghan came in a close 2nd.  With very little direction all of my WREATH CHALLENGE participants came up with some gorgeous (and creative!) wreaths.  Looking forward to the next CHALLENGE and I guess I should go sweet talk Gilbert to see if he wants to take me with him to Uchi or Swifts Attic with his prizes (a girl can dream).  Scroll to the bottom for his step by step on how he made this incredible wreath!

Gilbert 1

Gilbert 4

Gilbert 2


Standard wire wreath starter frame from Michaels
17 feet of bendable copper coated wire from Home Depot
Can of brown spray paint
Peat Moss
My beautiful array of succulents  from The Natural Gardner and East Austin Succulents

STEP ONE:  I cut, molded and attached the extra wire to the existing pre made wreath frame to create a 3D cage like frame to hold and house the dirt, moss and plants.

STEP TWO:  I sprayed brown to make it blend in with the moss, once that was dry I packed and build a “ground like” home to plant the succulents into! I formed all the peat moss into the frame and packed very tightly.

STEP THREE:  I scooped holes into the wreath and started plating the succulents wherever my heart desired. Working with the cacti was not easy (ouch!)

MAINTENANCE:  Keep as such, water accordingly, maybe plant the entire thing into the ground or dismantle and re plant the plants into new and exciting ways (I have already replanted all of them into new containers!)


2 Comments on And the winner is…

  1. Mrs. Winetroub
    January 9, 2014 at 8:42 pm (11 years ago)

    Gilbert’s was my favorite, yay!!!


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  1. […]  As a reminder, the public gets one vote and then the ladies at HEM will get a vote along with past CHALLENGE winner Gilbert to decide who wins the FREE pair of jeans from HEM and one on one shopping sesh to pick out the […]

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